Business owner / Butcher at Morrisons
I am a local business owner who cares deeply about my community.
As a family man my main focus is to make a safer cleaner more prosperous community so future generations can enjoy this town
My door is always open to all and I’m here to make real change and make sure all voices are heard!
I love nothing more than helping people
I’ve been involved in politics and community projects all my life it seems I was chairman of Easington Parish Council ….Chairman of Easington Welfare….Chairman of Pride in Easington and involved in many groups such as Pathfinder, East Durham Trust, was part of the spear group that launched the drop in centre in Easington.
In short I am 100% committed to my role as Town Councillor and look forward to meeting and helping my community in all aspects!!
- Email: burnipr@gmail.com
- Phone: 0191 7160772