Keep your eyes peeled for some bright new bins in Woodhouse Park off Balliol Close in Peterlee with a great new I
WHP logo.

Peterlee Town Council’s Neighbourhood Services department has worked with 4 young people from the Durham Works youth justice service and a local graffiti artist for a ‘Bin There, Done That’ community art project in the park.
The Town Council provided some old bins to be ‘upcycled’, while the Youth Justice Service provided the funding for the graffiti artist that worked with the young people to design and ‘tag’ the logos onto the renovated bins.
Woodhouse Park has recently received the coveted Green Flag award and the Town Council has a fantastic relationship with a range of local community groups who get involved in the maintenance and development of this great public open space.
The young people who were involved in this project all wanted to give something back to the community, learn new skills, get involved in art, and to be part of developing a project and seeing it completed. The group also wanted to make a positive fun impact on their community which was relatable to young people.
The bins have been placed in Woodhouse Park and the Council will be looking to use the I
WHP brand when promoting the park and park activities in the future.