The Council's main governance document is our Standing Orders. These set out the main rules and processes that govern how we work and how we make decisions: PTC Standing orders -May 2023
Sitting alongside our Standing Orders are our Financial Regulations. These set out further detail about a range of financial processes at the Council including how we procure goods and services, budgets and reporting: Financial Regulations Feb 2025
The Council delegates a wide range of day to day operational decision making to the Town Clerk and other officers. This delegation is set out in our Scheme of Delegation: Scheme of Delegation updated February 2023
The Council has a complaints policy, and a policy for dealing with abusive, unreasonable or vexatious complaints: PTC Complaints Procedure May 2023
PTC Abusive Unreasonable or Vexatious Complaints Policy September 2021
The Council also has a whistle-blowing policy: PTC Whistle Blowing Policy - January 2018
In July 2021 the Council adopted a new Members Code of Conduct, based on the new code adopted by Durham County Council earlier that year: PTC Members Code of Conduct July 2021