Meetings Diary

Our main Committee meetings happen on a Monday night, generally commencing at 6.30pm and finishing no later than 9pm.   Meetings are usually held in the Council Chamber in Shotton Hall.

The main Committees are:

  • Full Council (all 22 Members) - usually meets on the fourth Monday of every month apart from May and August when we meet on the third Monday.
  • Resources Committee (all 22 Members) - usually meets on the second Monday of every other month apart from May and August
  • Community & Environment Committee (all 22 Members) - usually meets on the second Monday of every other month apart from May and August, (alternating with the Resources meeting)

There are also a number of sub-committees that meet throughout the year.

Members of the public are entitled to attend our Council and main committee meetings to observe the meeting.  At the Chair's discretion they may also be able to ask questions or make statements.  There may be some items of business that are confidential and can't be discussed in public, and if this is the case members of the public will be asked to leave the meeting room for that item or items.

For a full list of all committee meetings please see the events/meetings diary on this website or contact the Democratic Services Team at or 0191 5862491.